
by Emilia aged 6

Clear Moon
smiling as snow.

you laugh and
play all day.

Every day
you sing lovely lullabies.

you look so
you look so kind.

How do you
How do
you laugh?

No other moon
would do that.


by Asun aged 6

clear moon
smiling at the clouds
white moon
your melody is
amazing and calm.
the moon light dances
with the blue sky
the moon light dances
with the piano
the moon is laughing
at the clouds.


by Asun aged 6

clear moon
smiling at the clouds
white moon
your melody is
amazing and calm.
the moon light dances
with the blue sky
the moon light dances
with the piano
the moon laughs
at the clouds.


by Santi aged 6

clear moon
smiling at the stars
white as moon your melody is
a la la by the moonlight
dances white the moon.
is laughing and dancing in his
house it was sleeping.


by Rodrigo aged 5

Clear Moon
smiling at Earth
white like snow.
Your melody is
splendid and it
sounds like a
The moonlight
dances with the
sun, planets and stars.
The Moon is eating
space food.
She talks to her friend
the Sun.
She yawns when she
is a full moon.
The Moon sleeps
with a blanket
made out of clouds.

The Two Knights

by Amy aged 10

All was quiet

In a grassland

Footsteps slowly approaching

Two knights fought

Over a princesses hand in marriage

The knights went CLASH



As tragedy struck

In the land of magic

A slish and a slash

As day transforms to night

As the disaster carries on night turns to sunrise

The sunrise is as colourful as a rainbow

As the clashing dies

Snoring gets louder and louder

Awake he lies in bed

Was it all a dream


by Rinu Samaradiwakara aged 5

I love school
It’s so cool
we get to play
and shout hip hip hooray!
I work and work
and I get a perk


by Lily aged 6

Birds are great
Birds are smart
In my heart I wish them luck
Oh beautiful birds, how lovely, how smart
A twinkle in their eye
A tap on their head
Mummy bird says
Look at my face
Birds are wonderful

The Galaxy Flowers

by Zishun Ni aged 7

Ashford has beautiful flowers
which flow through the wind,
they smell like sponge cake
especially the roses
they smell gorgeous

The galaxy flowers were better than the roses
because they looked very vibrant and 3D
the galaxy flowers were my favourites
because the smelled like a shampoo of cherry,

They were my sister’s favourite too!


by Atlas aged 6

I have lots of friends
They help me get through my life
I like to have friends