Springtime is Here

by Emilia Roach-Rooke aged 6

Springtime, Springtime here you are,
Springtime, Springtime near and far.

Flowers all around us with sweet smelling smiles,
Lambs in fields for miles and miles.

Chicks are hatching fluffy and yellow
Sun is shining, we are feeling mellow.

The Easter bunny is on his way,
I really wish that he would stay.
I hope that you all have a great Easter day.


by Sophia aged 6

I have a pet fish,
She is called Squish,
She likes to grant my wish,
She always eats from her dish
And with her tail, she will swish

Schools Out

by Niah Robinson aged 10

Schools are out for Covid 19
Don’t try to show me I’ve already seen
Doors are shut
Wages cut
All at home
All alone
Friends are wailing, weeping for each other
Try go see them, though you won’t wanna bother
Teachers are waiting, waiting for the sign
Waiting to get pupils back into their line
Schools are quiet, silent as a mouse
All the children back at their house
Windows are closed
Frozen in a doze
Grounds are bare
This is serious, Yeah
Children care
This isn’t fair
Out on the playground, children are scarce
Let’s get this over with, done and fast

Lock Down

by Niah Robinson aged 10

This matter is a matter, a matter of defence
Until those brains gain a little bit of sense
This virus is wrong
People blame Hong Kong
It’s spread so fast
All wide and vast
People are shut, alone in their house
No standing up as quiet as a mouse
Streets are bare, no cars passing by
This illness is really beginning to fly
Schools are shutting, children at home
Only communicating by the phone
Governments busy signing Corona forms
Trying hard to stifle yawns
This drama is getting on our nerves
A never ending road full of bends and curves
Everywhere I go there is a frown
The world is actually in Lock Down

A Ranch in Alaska

by Archie Kendle aged 10

One day a man called Ivan,
his wife, and a 10 year old boy called Archie
bought a ranch in Alaska.

One day they went for a walk
through the mossy and dense woods.
They could hear a noise so (what do you think they did?)
Yep, they trudged through the woods
and got pricked and poked
until they came across a big muddy bog.
Their muddy mouths dropped as wide open as a lion
There was a horse in the bog of course
It was a stallion and only young too.
It was kicking off because it was stressed
They didn’t want to go near it
in case they got stuck or they upset it even more
They went back and got it some lovely food to eat.

But there was a challenge
and I mean a big challenge
they had to try and get the horse out.

Archie said, ”Let’s try a rope.”
Ivan said, “No it will hurt it.”

Then there was a rustle
but they thought it was just a rabbit or something.

“BANG” went something
It was a woodsman with his shotgun.
The woodsman said, “What are you doing here?”
Archie and Ivan were dead silent
They didn’t move a muscle.
He said, “I asked you what are you doing here?”

Archie said, “We heard this funny noise
so we came and had a look”
“What about you?” asked the man.
Ivan said “ I came with my son”
“Please let me just get the horse.”

The man said, “Okay, as long as it is just that, right?”
Ivan said, “Archie, go get them straps out of my truck
and bring a halter, all right?”
Archie went back to the ranch, grabbed the stuff
then went to the horse quickly
where he saw his dad with his hand on the horse’s head.

Archie said, “What are you doing?”
Ivan said, “This is called tea touch it calms them down.”

Archie said, “Wow”
“Right, pass me the straps, halter and the rope”
“Let’s put this one you,” Ivan said to the horse,
“and get you out of this sloppy, slurpy slime bog.
Come on, nearly there, good boy and you are out.”
“Give him a pat, Archie.”

So they went back to the ranch with the horse
When they got back Mum was there.
Archie sprinted towards her and gave her a big hug
They said how much they missed each other
and Archie held the horse
while his dad went and hugged her
“We have got a big story to tell you haven’t we Archie?”
“Put him back in the stable and give him some food
then we will meet you in the house to tell the story to Mum.”

When the Birds Come

by Helena Felicity Boyd aged 7

When the birds come in summer
then it will be time.
My lettuces in the garden will be ready.

I had missed the animals but I won’t miss Winter (it does not snow here).

Winter goes, Spring comes.
I like Spring because that is when I wrote this poem.
Spring goes, the summer comes and it goes.
Then the autumn comes.

I can’t wait for Autumn
‘Cause on Friday it is my birthday.


by Larna Wentzel aged 6


Dogs sniff around and they wee on the grass
They stick their tongues out when they are hot
They wag their tails
They sleep in the night and during the day
Some dogs have short hair
and others are very woolly


by larna aged 6

Dogs likes to chase their tails.
And they wag their tails.
Some dogs have shorts hair.
They seep in the night and during the day.
And they like to run fast.
And they like to chase cats.
And they stick their tongues out when they are hot.

Mummy and Daddy

by Hafsa Shah aged 4 nearly 5

I love my mum
I love my dad
They both take me to shops
To buy my favourite sweets
yum yum

Why is Football so Tough?

by Leja aged 6

Football kills me and you
who are you to kill nature?

Look all muddy but hurt
They look like a ball of needle.