I like chipmunks
Their favourite food is berries
They have bushy tails
And very sharp nails
My chipmunk is called Alvin
He is 6 years old
He doesn’t like the cold
First Poems
Under The Sea
Fishies are great
Fishies are nice
Everything Will Be Fine
If you wash your hands,
everything will be fine!
If you do Joe Wicks,
everything will be fine!
If you rest more often,
everything will be fine!
If you stay at home,
everything will be fine!
If you go to your garden more often,
everything will be fine!
If you support the NHS,
everything will be fine!
Finally, if you are careful,
all of your family will be fine!!!
Scary Witches.
Witches, witches,
witches, witches,
scary cobwebs everywhere!
Good witches, bad witches,
witches everywhere!
Potions, poisons and newts
and toads.
The North Wind
The North wind doth blow…
My Cat, Micha
My cat Micha is so cute
By doing nothing she makes me mute.
Imagine if you put her in a suit
I still don’t know if she is real?
She would probably fit in a boot,
I do not know if she has the coots!
I would never boot her out,
Because she is the cutest!!!
I would never steal her flute,
And if anyone decides to shoot her
I would wack them side to side,
and up and down until they hit the floor!!!!!
My cat Micha is the cutest.