
by Niamh aged 6

Rainbows arch over the sky
when the rain falls
and the sun is in the sky

My Moon Friend

by Swannya Hailey Herath aged 6

Me and my moon friend.
Hello moon,
Are you HAPPY?
I’m happy too.
I am so happy to see you.
But I don’t see you
some dark nights.
Then I feel sad!


by Swannya Hailey Herath aged 6

Stars! Stars! Stars!
Would you like to
be my friend?
Then I sang you
to be with me.
But you are too far
So I miss you.


by Jessica aged 7

Winter is cold
winter is fun
but where is the sun?
In the winter the cold snow comes
so you can build a big snowman,
snowman, snowman

Matilda- the Poem

by Lucy aged 6

Matilda was a little girl with a long life,
but there was her family and they wern’t polite.
But one graceful day
Matilda’s father decided
Matilda could go to school
As soon as Matilda heard about it
she jumped up with glee
but Matilda’s mother thought she would be dull.
On Matilda’s first day
her father took Matilda to school
and everybody was cool.
She saw her teacher at school
and she took one look at her teacher
and she said she loved her
and she had the most stunning name
Matilda had ever heard.
Matilda’s teacher was called Mrs Honey
and Matilda thought she was stunning.

My Teddy Catty

by Natasha aged 2

My Teddy, Catty,
Likes baked beans,
She likes my feet,
She doesn’t like my big sister,
She is very nice,
I like her,
She isn’t dead,
She’s just toy.
I typed this for her, Molly her big sister.

Tiger! Look Out!

by Maddie Verbiest aged 6

I am a butterfly, flying near a tree. I am so happy.
It’s sunny, I love the sun. Ouch! My wing is stuck in a tree!
Along comes a tiger. Oh no! It’s going to eat me!
I can see the tiger climbing up the tree. It is scaring me.
I flap my wings but I can’t get out!
The tiger is up the tree.
I thought he was going to eat me
but he munched on the branch
and set me free!

Things That I Like

by Jacob aged 6

My name is Jacob and I am six,
I like making dens made out of sticks.

Me and my sisters like to do crafts,
After having big bubbly baths.

I like playing on my iPad and watching films on the telly,
And eating chocolate to fill my belly.

I like playing games in the garden and think it’s really cool,
When it’s hot enough outside for the paddling pool,

I like walks in the woods and climbing the trees,
As long as I don’t fall and hurt my knees.

I like going out on my bike and going really fast,
Catching up with people and zooming past.

But most of all when all of this ends,
I can’t wait to see all of my family and friends.


by Filip aged 6

What a snack!
Its so delicious
It makes ducks quack

When I eat it
My tummy goes
Yummy yummy

I wish I had it everyday
But if I did
My tummy would say
That’s not okay

Brown and chocolatey
But it doesn’t taste like broccoli

If you don’t like it
You are vicious.
If you eat my Kit-Kat
I am malicious

Baby Mouse

by Alfie aged 4

A baby mouse
could live in your house.
He would want some cheese.
I would give him cheese
if he said please.