I am very excited to go back to school,
Because I know my new teacher is very cool,
I heard she makes lessons fun,
The lessons we always do under the sun,
I can’t wait to discover all the different subjects,
and learn about the solar system and its objects,
I won’t even want to move off the class floor,
Not even to get up and open the door,
I am so excited to see my friends again,
You see, with them, my days are not plain,
My teacher being cool is not the only reason I want to go back to school,
There are many more but I did not list them all.
First Poems
My Sparkling Toy
My pink sparkling toy fish hiding in the flower vase,
Nobody, nobody knows how much sparkle it has,
With me, its two big, blue and cute eyes,
always end up to be a surprise.
It has large purple fins,
If anybody races it, my fish for sure wins,
My pink sparkling toy fish hiding in the the flower vase,
Nobody, nobody knows how much sparkle it has.
The Crazy Unicorn
There once lived a unicorn,
Who didn’t have a horn,
She wore a hat
That was full of rats,
She was crazy,
And very lazy,
And if you annoyed her,
She would eat you for dinner.
Finally Together!
We spent so much of our time at home,
Sometimes it was boring, we felt all alone.
We woke up in the morning and exercised with Joe,
We did it with our family, but they were slow.
Our teacher rang us on the phone to see if we were OK,
We loved speaking to our teacher, we wish we could have done every day.
We missed our class so much, we couldn’t wait to see them,
We was so ready to go, we bought new pencils and a new pen.
On the first day back, we felt nervous and unsure,
However, we soon felt happy when we walked through school’s door.
We had our own desk, we had our worksheets too,
We took part in lots of fun lessons, many things to do!
We are super happy to be back as a team,
So happy we want to SCREAM!
Little Red Riding Hud
Little Red Riding Hud had a cape of red
A wolf was asleep in her Nana’s bed
Little Red Riding Hud got someone
To save the day
I Am Enough
Like the flower, I’m here to blossom
Like the moon, I’m here to glow
Like the rocket, I’m here to zoom
Like the river, I’m here to flow.
Like the sun, I’m here to shine
Like the tree, I’m here to grow