
by PIetro Gerunda aged 13

November is an explosion
Of smells and colors,
The wine down in the cellar,
The leaves on the paths,
We remember the Saints
And our dear departed.


by Viola Mazzi aged 13


In the thick darkness a spell is cast,
Black night, the mantle shines.
Shadows play, whispers fly,
Halloween, the heart beats of cheating.
Witches laugh, ghosts play;
Full moon, the stars dance.
Pumpkins carved like bright candles,
Magic and mystery will soon be awake.
In the cold wind a shiver runs,
Mysteries and legends, the night flows.
Laughter and screams,
Sweets and jokes,
Halloween, festival of secrets and spells .


by Rebecca Mastrandrea aged 13

The sky filled with clouds,
Like a glass of tea to warm you up
From the cold Fall that calls Winter,
Coloring the leaves red and yellow,
Making them dance in the sweet fog
That slowly envelops me
And that makes me forget about the sea.

Nature Always Changes

by Iaderosa Elisabetta aged 13

Nature always changes,
The big green leaves get covered with flowers
Which slowly die as they decrease till they disappear.
You can hear a “chip” from a bird or a “crack” from a branch,
You can play with snow or swim in its liquid state.
Nature always changes, every year, every season, every month,
Every day and we with it.

Falling in Love with Fall

by Beatrice Grasso aged 13

I Fall in love
With a guy:
His hair is rain
His eyes are cold.
I Fall in love
With a guy:
He makes me fly
He makes me Fall.
I Fall in love
With a guy:
He is Fall
If you don’t know…

The Fall

by Arianna De Crescenzo aged 13

If I look out of the window,
I see the sun on my right,
The summer is almost over
And the Fall is coming;
Soon leaves will fall down,
On the sleeping soil.
A child is running,
Chasing his hat
That the wind blew away
Over the red grass.


by Clarissa Cappagli aged 13

It’s Fall,
The small villages light up
They light up with perfumes and food
And they light up with people,
People from everywhere.
The fireplaces are lit,
The lights in the streets are lit,
The chatter starts,
And new friendships are made.

Scary Night

by Alice Bramerini aged 13

October is coming
And the fear is growing,
It is a long-awaited evening
But it’s gonna be a scary night.
In this enchanted night,
A mysterious shadow wanders.
Don’t worry if she knocks on the door
And spies on you with her crooked face,
It’s just a little girl
Who thinks she’s a witch.


by Brando Alessandri aged 13

Like a swallow doesn’t make spring,
So a brown leaf doesn’t make Fall,
But a state of mind
Seeking peace
Here is nature that turns to rest.
An opaque Sun reaches the undergrowth
And the hunter’s step
Makes it creaky.

Tears of Clouds

by Gaia Nani aged 11

Tears of clouds
That slowly go down
The glittering glass.
The angry sky
resonates in every room,
a knocking on the door:
Autumn has arrived