Autumn Days

by Romy Hedges aged 7

Autumn Days

With the golden sun rises
Berries on the floor
We know autumn days are here

Overgrown leaves all over the place
Chestnuts roasting on the open fire
We know autumn days are here

Bumpy hard conkers, hanging on the trees
Beautiful shiny bugs, stuck on their backs
We know autumn days are here.

And the wind is howling and also cold
Dew dropped spider webs tell us that
Autumn days are here.

Ghost Music

by Jathurika Thineswaran aged 12

Gloomy and bare the organ-loft,
Bent-backed and blind the organist.
From rafters looming shadowy,
From the pipes’ tuneful company,
Drifted together drowsily,
Innumerable, formless, dim,
The ghosts of long-dead melodies,
Of anthems, stately, thunderous,
Of Kyries shrill and tremulous:
In melancholy drowsy-sweet
They huddled there in harmony.
Like bats at noontide rafter-hung.
It was just the ghost’s music.
Creepy and scary.
Just ghost music and … Aaaaaaaaah!

The Winter Fish

by Arianna Sood aged 11

Winter, oh winter, how I love you so!
You bring me Snowflake, you make me behold.
She is pearly white with scowls like snow,
But will depart in the summer flow.

As the leaves turn green,
She turns black,
As we get healthy,
That’s all she lacks.

But the November snow
Is what she needs,
Before the fatal blow,
Oh Snowflake you’re my favourite fish!

In the hotness of the summer
One life lost
One heart broken
The summer of despair

As the leaves turn green,
She turns black,
As we get healthy,
That’s all she lacks.

But the November snow,
Is what she needs,
Before the fatal blow,
Oh Snowflake, you’re my favourite fish!

Miki’s Month

by Miki Jacobs aged 9

The autumn has come,
The summer has gone,
It’s sad ’cause I don’t get to sleep for as long
Halloween’s coming,
I can’t believe my luck!
Since no one can tell me
How many sweets are in my gut.
My birthday is in November
As are most of my family’s
It’s sad since I’d like a whole month about me.

Happy Halloween

by Tayma Samaha aged 12

On Halloween night, when the moon is full,
And the shadows dance and swirl,
Ghosts and goblins come out to play,
In this magical world.

Jack-o’-lanterns grin with their toothy smiles,
As witches fly through the air,
Children laugh and trick-or-treat,
Without a single care.

Halloween is a night of magic,
When anything is possible,
So let your imagination run wild,
And have a night that’s truly enjoyable.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween

by Tayma Samaha aged 12

On Halloween night, the veil is thin,
Between the worlds, where spirits spin.
Jack-o’-lanterns glow with eerie light
As ghosts and goblins take their flight.

Witches fly on broomsticks high,
While bats and owls flutter through the sky.
Black cats prowl with stealth and grace,
As the moon casts a haunting embrace.

Children dressed in costumes bright,
Trick-or-treat through the moonlit night.
They gather candy and treats galore
As the Halloween magic fills the air.

So on this night, let your spirit soar,
Embrace the mystery, forevermore.
For Halloween is a time to play,
And let your imagination run wild today.

Happy Halloween!

Typical Autumn

by Iga aged 12


It’s like it comes every day
Starting school
Jackets on
That feeling of dressing funky, funny or just fabulous
And getting those sweets
And all those birthdays coming up
Maybe family time
But you know what I think is the best part
The leaves change colour and then I know I get to feel it again

The Leaves are Turning Scarlet Without You

by Thanh Theerapasiri aged 12


The first marigold leaves frolic along wooden arms
From the shimmering warm puddle your eyes stare into mine
The soft breeze whispers your every breath
Every mud-soaked step a weight on my chest

The soft light above so clear it pierces my eyes
For eternity my beating heart is trapped in your smile
From across the globe through all the frontiers
Your melodic voice sings in my ears

Like the chestnut-colored squirrels scurrying through the land
You stole my delicate heart and away you ran
The clouds have sensed your absence and scampered to find you
Leaving the sky alone, so pure and blue

I hope to gaze into your eyes, sparkling like the dew
I hope the mighty emerald river will lead me to you
I hope that our bond will be evergreen and true
Oh, how my heart is still waiting for you

If I Were to Paint a Picture of Autumn

by Medhaswi Kundu aged 9


If I were to paint a picture of autumn
No palette would do any good
I could use the colours from nature
I’d use crimsons and azures, I would.

If I were to paint a picture of autumn
I’d start from the top of the sky
I’d use the cerulean from the wings of a bluebird
That in the autumn, swiftly flies.

If I were to paint a picture of autumn
I wouldn’t forget the leaves
I’d use the lava from the depths of the earth
That every volcano receives.

If I were to paint a picture of autumn
I would paint a bubbling spring
I’d use the wildest flowers to adorn it
And the emerald moss that clings.

If I were to paint a picture of autumn
I’d paint it to spread joy all around!

Winter, Winter, Winter

by Haleema Zeeshan aged 12

When will winter start?
The way winter calls my name,
But greets me instead with an icy blow.
It puts on a great big show
As the snow gently falls below.
It’s an absolute wonder to my eyes,
However my nose turns red in disagreement,
The harsh, blustery wind fights past my warm winter gloves
And stains my fingers
The same colour as my nose.
Yet on and on the winter lingers,
Snowing enough to give me a cold,
But not enough to make a snowball.
This winter is so long
And this winter is just lingering,
So all I’m asking now is,
When will this winter end?