They Won’t Understand

by Nina aged 10

They won’t understand
They just can’t feel the pain
They’ve heard the shouting, the screaming, the cries
They’ve heard them all, the fibs, the lies
They don’t understand what goes on in my home
They don’t understand why I want to be alone
They don’t understand why I’m scared of men
They don’t understand why I draw on myself in pen
They don’t understand the scissors and tape
They don’t understand I’m scared of rape
They don’t understand what I feel
They don’t understand because what is real?
Is this a dream, a vision, a lie?
Will I reincarnate once I die?
Will I be judged by what I am?
Or will I be judged on who I am?
They don’t understand I’m not ok
I don’t want them to say that they’ll stay
It’s all lies not the truth
Maybe I shall just jump off my roof
They read these poems and confront
Why can’t they read and understand?
Poetry is how I open up


by ivy aged 10

It’s so long,
And I can barely handle it,
If it wasn’t for my friends
Then school would be the end of it.
So a huge thanks to them
Because without them,
I wouldn’t know who I truly am
It’s been a hell of a rollercoaster,
But with you guys by my side
It’ll all be fine.


by Freya aged 10

I love mud
I like it on my clothes
I like it on my toes


by Renissa Moore aged 9

like a beautiful snowflake
you’re one of a kind
a miracle from heaven
an exceptional find
here’s one hoping
your Christmas is extraordinary too
great and wonderful and special
just like you

Merry Christmas!

My Trip to London

by Veer Sorout aged 10

My trip to London
Was full of fun
We went all over the city
Into bookstores
And onto the Cutty Sark
We saw Saturn from the royal observatory
We went into the 02
We took pictures of Big Ben
And we went on the London Bridge.
We saw the Natural History Museum
And the British History Museum
We saw the biggest M&M store in Leicester square
And a Lego Big Ben in the Lego store
We saw the London Eye watching all over the city
From across the River Thames.

Iron Bru

by Eva Mitchell aged 11

Iron Bru, Iron Bru,
Join the crew
Iron Bru, Iron Bru,
I’ll have a sip too
Iron Bru, Iron Bru,
It makes me go to the loo
Iron Bru, Iron Bru,
I knew it was true
Iron Bru, Iron Bru,
I’ll get myself some Iron Bru.

Winter Freezy

by Venezia aged 8

The winds blowing strongly about the place,
Imagine like freezing.
Although the temperature is less than 10
I wear my warm cozy jacket but it’s still cold.

Also in Los Angeles now
There are deadly wildfires

My First Poem

by Venezia aged 8

I haven’t seen the snows.
Because I might freeze.
I feel cold every time when it’s winter.
And I go to UK instead.
It’s freezing in Edinburgh and London.



by Beattie aged 10

screams ring in my head
I can’t sleep
the memories of bombs and guns
all come back to me
my family comfort me
it does not work
the air sirens go off
my father was taken
but not forgotten
for I am a soldier

Big Things

by Teertha Vaniya aged 12

There is a big, huge elephant
A small infant
Grows to be a big, huge adult
Some small homework
It gives me a smirk
How it can grow into a bigger work
A teeny, tiny car
Is way more far
To become big road
It is not easy to make tea
In a sea
For a ship
A lumen
Of humans
Get into a big plane
So you see these big things
Bring small thing with them as well