Equal Rights

by Michal aged 12

We need equal rights
for women and men, boys and girls
So pull up your socks
and tell the government
We will fight our way
until we get equal rights
Then we
will be

No War

by Abeeha aged 12

The war must stay outta here,
peace must linger in here.
Why war? Why not peace?
Hearing shooting and screaming,
hearing guns and bombs
houses destroyed.

Starving for food
dying for water,
not able to live
not able to eat bread
dead bodies all around
blood everywhere.

All alone
with no one else
children cry
no parents by their side
my heart sinks
to see it like this.
Would you like to be in a
place like this ?

The Wrench

by Dara aged 12

On a broken bench a spare wrench lay.
A lift and a few screws, the bench was as good as new,
but the wrench was done and through.
Now as it lay on the new bench the broken wrench stuck.
With no suspense it lay to rest in vain.
Wishing that it could be used again just like that day.


Games We Play

by Daniel C. aged 12

Games like Roblox
Are pretty fun to play
Games are things we play every day
Fortnight, Minecraft
Among Us and more
Games are things
That people live for
Some games are healthy
like hide’ n ‘seek and tag
Some games are not
Like ones with a red flag
From kids to adults
They all want to play
Because games are things
We play in every way

My Poem About Gender Equality

by Ann Onimice aged 12

Yeah, it’s me
My poem is about gender equality
Isn’t it funny how much I care?
Isn’t it funny that I want to be treated the same?
No, no it’s not.

I get laughed at for saying it’s unfair
I try to say what I think but
I feel like every day
I’m being silenced
I feel small, weak
Why boys think they’re better
I’ll never know

Gender Equality

by Dylan Mcgran aged 12

Gender equality needs help so maybe go on yelp.
Everyone needs to be treated equally.
No gender should be discriminated even if they’re like bender.
Don’t discriminate the opposite gender.
Every one is equal.
Respect everyone and we can have a good society.

Even animals have genders.
Quietly help people around you.
A good society equals no discrimination.
Unite to help each-other.
Love each-other.
I would like gender equality.
Together we can work well.
You can make a difference.

More Than Just a Girl

by Daisy B. aged 12

Midnight in Dublin,
Killers in town,
They see a woman capable
Of taking people down.

They also see a man,
Too fearful to fight,
He looks so lonely
On the cold, dark, night.

The killers think carefully,
And launch their attack,
But why is it the woman
they stab in the back?

Next morning two deaths
Are announced on the news,
A man was run over,
The stabbed woman too.

His family weeping,
Hers in a rage,
And why is it the man’s death
That’s on the front page?

And what about this?
You walk in a store,
and some of the girl’s clothes
Are ten percent more!

We struggle, we stumble,
We work every day,
The men do the same,
But they still get their way!

The world can be cruel,
But us girls are clever.
And who knows what might happen
If we work together?

We’re leaders and lawyers,
We’re fighters, we’re friends,
We’re helpers and healers,
We bring peace, make amends.

So if you’re a girl,
And you think boys are cooler,
Think: are you a girl?
Or are you a ruler?

She Said He Said

by Nina aged 10

She said I should get help.
He said I should stop crying.
She said I needed a bigger bra.
He said I was too young.
She said face my fears.
He said Let’s go this way.
She said that I was heavy.
But she said I was perfect
She said I was lucky .
But my thoughts tell me something other.
She said I’m a nasty pig .
I’m beautiful said my mother.
She said I’m confused.
I say I was moved.
He said I need to listen.
I say I need to relax.
I say leave me alone!

Always You and Me

by Saoirse Chen aged 9

This poem is from me to you,
And it is something very new.
I hope we will stay together,
And that our time lasts forever.

Through the sky and in the sea,
It is always just us: you and me!
Everywhere we spin and twirl,
We are dancing as we whirl.

You are the best,
Better than all the rest.
I love you,
As you can see.
Forever, it is just you and me.

Respect for Everyone

by Fatima aged 12

let the respect be made
the actions you choose
are sharper than a blade

injury, misery
are all part of victory
you are a part of history
when it will end is still a

day, night or afternoon
be respectful it’s never
too soon

be the person to heal the wound
boy, girl, man or woman
in the end it’s just a human

poor, rich hungry or thirsty
for what it matters
it doesn’t concern me