They Don’t Understand

by Nina aged 10

They don’t understand the tears, the cries
Because I only tell them fibs and lies
They don’t understand whom I am
They don’t understand who I be
They don’t understand what I love
They don’t understand… me.

The Blessing

by Katie Sadasivam aged 9

The arctic white crystals
descend and tickle each surface;
grass, stone, wood
each flake unique.

Image the sway of it,
six sided beauties spin down,
a soft hit on the ground of glitter.
Blissfully swishing,
gracefully gliding.

A rush of snowflakes drop,
as the flurry never seems to stop,
the crisp air rejoices in the nipping wind,
snowing glitter,
blowing bitter,
as a blank canvas forms on the glistening ground.
Suddenly a chance of fortune strikes,
right before a child’s eyes,
as the incessant snowfall flurries and flies,
a sudden silence. Then cheering.
Children rush to the door.
Frantic hands, wrapping layers,
rushing outside,
their joy echoes as they play in the purest white,
building, sculpting, carving, creating,

and memories engraved in their small minds,
their laughing, a voice that rings in the dark,
as the blessing glides gracefully,
over their protected bodies,
a snowy paradise behold.


by Joanne aged 7

Art can be anything
Art can be everything
It can be impressionism
It can be pointillism
Only if you came to see
All types that art can be

Keep Going!

by Shehraj aged 11

When we drop to our lowest, we whine
maybe in the night or maybe
in the daylight.

But the day we come to realise that
life can sometimes be tight.
Even then we know we must keep
fighting for the light that’s in our life.

It may feel like we’re getting
stabbed in the back with a knife,
for doing what’s right in our life.

But we climb up the hill no matter what gets in our way!
And discover new sights in our life

Our World

by Colette aged 12

We live on this world all together,
And we’ll live on this world nearly forever.

We need to keep this world clean,
We need now to keep it green.

We are the future, this is us,
You don’t have to be a wuss.

Everybody, everywhere,
It’s all right. It IS fair
That everybody does their share.

It’s not hard to pick up litter,
Come on now, don’t be bitter.

You can do it by yourself,
You don’t need to have a lot of wealth.

The world is dying but it’s not too late!
All we have to do is to cooperate.

Poverty is Wrong

by Gabri aged 7

Are poor people not worthy?
Should those un-wealthy
Stay hungry and thirsty?

Let’s forge a society,
Where we can all be unified as one,
A place where all,
Men, women and children alike,
Can have a roof over their heads.

Help me uplift this endless blanket of inequality,
For our future,
For our prosperity.

Lost In The Desert Race

by Ahmad aged 12

I was doing well in the desert race,
Again and again I went, PACE, PACE, PACE
But still in my struggling will
I felt nauseous and soon fell, exhausted,
And when I woke up in that barren land,
Almost all I could see was just sand.

I chose a direction, and started walking,
And for a while, nothing shocking,
But soon enough, night fell,
The water in my bottle, not doing well

And there I saw, running at me,
A hyena or two, at full speed
So I started running, as fast as I could,
And hid under, a random piece of wood

I could hear them snarling, wanting to eat,
But luckily, I wasn’t their meat
And as I should, after that fright,
I slept under that wood, into the night.

The next day I woke up with energy,
But still the hunger had got to me,
So I ventured on and saw an oasis,
And oh, I was so ecstatic, I felt I’d won the races

So I ate the fruits, drank the water,
Until no longer I was starving like a cat,
But I recognised this oasis,
And looked at my map, and sure enough,
It was near one of the roots of the race,

So again I was running, without a thought,
Never thinking I would ever be so near the end,
And when I left that barren land, full of sand,
I decided I would never again be competing,

A Piece of my Dream

by Aoife aged 12

A piece of peace we pursue and chase,
to find a world where we have place.
Without rebellion, ruckus and race,
this world I hope, one day to embrace.

After a fall, a fight or a fright,
to be united is to bring light.
A world that’s beautiful, brilliant and bright,
is right in front of us, not yet out of sight.

These idealistic fantasies may be my pointless phantasies,
my naivety, my immaturity, I’m blinded by fallacies.
But still I try, even as I tire,
to bring hope, to bring light, to ignite a fire

We are separated by the oceans, connected by the seas,
connected like a cloth, ripped by the seams.
Connected by love, separated by hate,
and yet, do not fret, it is still not too late.

Because like the sun, we will always rise,
in the daring dawn, with the cerulean sky.
Because like the moon, we control the tides,
in the darkening dusk, creating ties that bind.

Us Children

by Isla aged 12

if us children are not educated right,
this world of ours will not be as bright,
for if you leave our brains to rust,
our earth will turn to dust.

we can be the first to hope and to heal,
we can be the last to suffer and to feel,
pain should not be what we seek,
as pain is what makes us all so bleak.

we go to school every day,
just so we can learn to find a way,
us children will be the ones to practice and preach,
so this is why we need people to tell and teach.

The Ocean

by Amay aged 11

Tidal waves crash into the shore while crabs scurry across the floor
For ocean pollution there is always a solution
The ocean as endless as space.
The divers dive while the fish thrive

The coral reef colorful, beautiful and wonderful.
The ship on the ocean moving with motion.
Deep, deep, deep in the twilight zone many fish call it home.
Many big fish like the great white fish thrive while small fish try to survive.