Cat Dreams

by Maya Dylan Troy aged 9

Cats are furry,
some are not.
Some take journeys
and travel a lot.

If you see a cat,
give her a gentle pat
‘cause it’s a natural
thing to do.

Your dreams will all come true.
And that is why I like you.


by Milla Tomblin aged 10

Dreams give people imagination,
They help shape our nation,
They set us goals,
They may be because of roles.

Dreams mean your heart is set a certain way,
For dreams you do not have to pay,
Dreams are always somewhere in your heart,
Maybe not a lot but a part.

As I Was Walking

by Harriet Jones aged 7

One day I was walking by a river.
I saw a big bird,
It was tall and skinny
And very, very silly.
Never like a bird I have seen before.
Never seen a bird like that before.

No wonder people say birds are so interesting.

By the Pond

by Serenity Eaton aged 10

If you seek for me

the pond is where I’ll be.

You may think I’ll start to yawn

but I will not even though

it is already dawn.

As I look at my reflection

don’t ask me a single question.

If you see me

don’t fear

as you see

I’m happy here!

More Words

by Macie Robyn McAllister aged 9

I think this poem piece
Needs to increase
It needs more words
Coming in herds

Hey, look, I’m a poet
And I didn’t even know it
I’m reaching the stars
Which are further than Mars

I think this writing
Needs more of a sighting
Like a holiday in your head
Like every book I’ve read

Hey, look, I’m a poet
And I didn’t even know it
I’m faster than cars
I’m getting very far!

I think these words
Need to fly like birds
I can’t stop rhyming things
Which gives this poem a little ding!

Hey, look, I’m a poet
And I didn’t even know it
I’m stronger than lions that go raaarr,
And that’s the end of my poem, ta-da!

Stepped On A Stick

by Martiya Daman aged 9

I stepped on a stick,
Held it, threw it quick,
Did that and that for years,
I reached in everyone’s ears.

I the Javelin throw champion,
Was once poor and sad,
But I focused, made history and
My Nation became glad!

Fun unaccepted,
Standing, winning in Tokyo Olympics,
Opponent’s ear picks.

I became the first person to win a medal at Javelin,
I became a warrior battlin’,


by Medhaswi aged 11

We’ve all been there before
A fruitless day
Where your page is white and unblemished
And you think for any way at all

To fill it up
Doodling and scribbling, then in a rush
Trying to do some work
Before your insides turn to mush

When your work is handed in
Your teacher is not fazed
By all the messy jottings
Kind of like a maze

They grab a coffee
And pick it apart, bit by bit
They are long unrewarded
When, at last they hit

Upon it, with hours of hard work
They forget about their aching head
And they hurl it in joy…
And nothing more is said.

A Raven and a Dove

by Farah Karim aged 11

A raven and a dove,
Never meant to be.
Running off in dreams,
Escaping reality.

A murder, a mad hatter,
A martyr and a monarch.
The prophecy was written,
Leaving one in the dark.

A mission started,
A queen’s heart for a selfish boy.
A mission uncompleted,
A white rose that’d ruin another’s joy.

A tea party like no other,
Hats with dark power.
An offer to be rejected,
Leaving a face sour.

A broken heart,
A forbidden love.
A martyr and a monarch,
A raven and a dove.


by Natalie aged 9

If I were a bear
I would pounce everywhere
I would play with the children
If they don’t care
I would eat all the fish
On their dish
And try playing tag with a duck
Wish me good luck.


by Niyana aged 10

The star outside my window
Shines really bright,
A shooting star’s fiery rays
Can whoosh across the night,
Make a wish, hold tight,
They say
Think about your dream,
Dream that you would fly to space,
Soaring like a kite
Race on Saturn’s rings,
Jump on Mercury’s rocky hills,
Hide inside the Moon’s craters,
Drive at speed on the bumpy lanes of Mars
Use your imagination,
Look up at the stars,
They are like a thousand tiny fish,
Swimming their way out fast.
A shooting star’s fiery rays
Can whoosh across the night,
Quicker than an aeroplane,
Soaring like a kite