Waving like enormous waves in the sea
Awesome to me because it makes the pleasant beach
Thankful I am to it and tasteless it feels to me
Every precious drop is important as many lessons they teach
Refreshment it is which keeps us alive till today and makes us a group called ‘WE’
How Long?
Three years.
Three years since I thought I was stuck
Stuck in the moment you left
Your beachy ringlets stared at me like Medusa’s snakes
Framed as a monster
But really just some hurt little boy
Your dad left early
Your mom barely paid attention to you
It still hurts me
When I think about how you ripped my letter
Just like my heart
Some part of me knew you cared
But some part of me knew you didn’t
I won’t tell anyone I waited
And you won’t tell anyone
The secrets I kept to myself
Something that i hid in the deepest parts of me
You knew
And you kept it there in the deepest parts of you
You were always resistant and scared
But why me
Why was I the one you confided in
Maybe it was my gentle eyes
Or my wavy hair
Or maybe it was the fact we were broken in the same ways
You look at me with such hatred
And I’ll never understand why
My guilt eats me alive
Just like how your fear ate every part of you with a soul
Even though we’re apart
We never talk
We give glares and mean taunts
I hope your okay
I hope you find peace in knowing you shouldn’t be responsible for him
That’s not your job
I hope you’re okay
I hope you find every little piece of love you can and let it hug you
You were worth it Medusa
The six months were worth it
And even if those six months are the death of me
I hope you’re okay
I hope your dad finally lets you cry
And I hope your mom finally says I’m proud
I hope your brother stops depending on you
We could’ve been so great
We could’ve been legendary
But if it really was just momentarily
I hope you’re okay
How to Post a Poem
I don’t know how to get in.
What Will I Be?
I am a spy, having fun,
on the lookout, ready to run.
Creeping closer, somethings strange,
I need a disguise! I need to change!
I am a teacher, sitting on my chair,
looking for my pen, but it’s not there!
Searching up and down, looking everywhere,
I looked down, I looked up, but it was stuck in my hair!
I am a rider, riding free,
riding quickly, you can’t catch me!
The wind whispers secrets as we roam,
in this equestrian journey, we find our home.
I am a pilot, working at night,
giving my passengers a nice steady flight.
Catching the beautiful moment, as I fly,
looking at the gorgeous, sunset sky.
I am a salon worker, painting a nail,
I try it again, as I fail.
I make it perfect, as they sit in the chair,
“The nails are done. Now time for hair!”
I am a baker, baking a cake,
I burnt the last layer for goodness sake!
I put the last layer in the oven and try it again,
I take out the icing but right then…
I find myself in my bed,
thinking about everything my mind has said.
Thinking about all the jobs I see,
and I wonder, when I’m older what will I be?
The Person Underneath
You may have dimples,
or freckles or pimples,
small ears, strange eyes or big teeth.
But it doesn’t matter,
on the inside it counts,
it’s only the person who lives underneath.
The Great English Teacher
The impossible vocabulary and words
The impossible sentences
The impossible comprehension
The impossible crosswords
The impossible word searches
The impossible games
The English friend of
You and me
It is the one person
Who we call the English friend
Of ours
The one who taught us
The complicated words and sentences
We use today
The complicated comprehension and games
We play and do together
Together we do things
Filled with joy, fun and spirits
Not always the same thing it is
Sometimes very boring
Sometimes very very very boring
Sometimes it would make us cry and beg her to stop
However it has
Always contributed and helped us in
Our journey with her
It has and will always stay
A brilliant learning experience for us
No matter what
My Dad Snores A Lot
At night I hear a sound I can’t ignore,
The loud rumble of my dad’s snore.
My dad snores a lot,
And I wonder sometimes if he’s a robot.
I go to the place with the loudest boom,
And I find him in the living room.
I want to change his TV program,
But the remote is tight in his hand like a clam.
When I go to grab a kitchen cup,
He wakes and says, “Who’s up?”
Then he goes through the bedroom door,
And again, there’s that snore!
I go back to bed and look like I’m sleeping,
But then I hear beeping.
I realize it’s my alarm clock,
And I look around in shock!
My dad is finally quiet in bed,
The blanket almost up over his head.
I sigh and lay down for just a bit more,
When again I am awakened by a loud snore!