I could use
a dream gene
or a witch
to come back
to a place more
simpler then this
The Robot That Lost his Head
Once a robot dropped his heavy head
in a big basket that is as big as a tree.
He screamed loudly and said,
Hurry, help, my head fell down in the basket
and that guy is taking the big basket
He screamed and screamed
and screamed and screamed
and screamed for help
but no-one nobody wanted to help him
They all just ignored him
and this happened for one hour
and the robot was heart broken
The Beauty of Fall
The Beauty of Fall
Is great
There are orange leaves
Crunchy leaves
And leaves which randomly fall on your head
Pumpkins are full in stock
So Starbucks makes Pumpkin Spice Latte
The surroundings are beautiful
And the euphony amazing
The weather is just perfect
Not cold
Not warm
It is not like summer
Neither like winter
It is its own season
It almost never rains
Protecting the plump pumpkins
Everything in fall is great
We get a school break
Monsoon is not very nice
Neither is summer
The only great seasons are
Spring and Fall
Walking A Path So Long
I feel my minds ability to fly
Is beginning to deny
I want lie down and cry
I feel like I’m about to die
My freedom feels like I’m in a sty
I just want to go home and eat my mother’s homemade pie
Trip to the Moon
The world’s too small
to fit us all
We need to grow
Come on – let’s go!
We’ll build a ship
To make the trip.
To find more room
Go to the moon!
We’ll play around
A new playground!
But over there
there’s not much air
We’ll problem solve
so – let’s evolve.
Here’s our first task
to make a mask.
Hello new world
New life unfurled!
But there’s no light
so that’s not right!
Wait and See
When I grow up I’ll be a popstar
performing in front of you
Everyone sing, I’d say
Do Re Mi Fa So La TI Doh – I’d play
“If you’re over here cheer
if you’re over there shout
now spin around like a roundabout.”
Your’re probably thinking No way is
she gonna be a big singer on TV
Well, just you wait and see