The Queen of Indian Mathematics

by Samaira Jain aged 10

A calculator was born
Not it but she
Not a normal one, but a special one
Called as a human calculator
This calculator had an
Immense passion for numbers
She, she was born on 4th of November in 1929
Her name was Shakuntala Devi
The first woman mathematician in India
And even known as
The Queen of Indian Mathematics
She was able to calculate lengthy calculations
In her head swiftly
And without any calculator
In a split second
Shakuntala would complete massive calculations
She, a humble personality
Shakuntala Devi an inspiration for all
Shakuntala cherished to simplify the magic of arithmetic
She playing in a role of three people
A mother, a wife and a genius mathematician

Season’s Grace

by Sara A aged 12

Fresh air that blows in your face
And the smell of flowers that just gives you grace.
Plants grow, and in the winter they get buried in the snow.
Oh, how it makes me lose control!
Snow oh snow, don’t come back, give my plants back what they lack.
The bees! How would they get pollen,
If the snow keeps on fallin’?
Summer nights they carry it to make honey for us all.
The honey they make, oh what a wonderful taste!
It’s oh so neat, and a nice sweet treat.
Worms squirm around leaves and they eat, eat, eat.
They help to keep soil fertile and give plants space to breathe.

Without plants, where would we be?
For the world loves plants; the flowers, leaves, and trees…
And the plants love the fresh air, the worms and the bees.

Nonsense Poem

by Isla aged 10

Roses are red,
My name is not Dave,
This peom makes no sense,

The Horse Bazel

by Aleksandra aged 12

Bazel was my sister’s second favourite horse
My sister is riding him today and it’s the tenth time.
Do you know the word trot?
It’s like when a horse walks
but it goes a bit faster than walk
Some horses are small so they might go slow in a trot
but some small horses might go fast on a trot.
Some big horses go slow on walk but fast on trot.
Some big horses go fast on walk but slow for trot
It’s the same for some small horses.
And that’s the end

Everything is Too Long!

by Syeda Amna Adeel aged 12

I waited for too long,
meanwhile I sang a song
My hair grew too long,
but I had to cut it before long
The waiting line was too long,
then I figured out, “That’s not where I belong!”
The test was lengthy and long,
and I did it all wrong
The movie was quite long,
and its name was King Kong


by Breanna aged 8

at home
at home
my gnome
feels safe
and I
just started

The Rain and Clouds

by Mia aged 9

A conversation between the rain and the clouds
Let me out, said the rain
Not quite yet, said the cloud
I am just waiting for my time to come
Just don’t start a flood

A conversation between the rain and the clouds
I want the thunder and lightning right beside me while I pour
Just please let me go
I will let you go in about five minutes
Now, now, now! I want to pour

A conversation between the rain and the clouds
I want to be free dancing in the air, said the rain
You need to have patience
Oh my god, it’s almost time
And it’s your time to shine

Here Comes Autumn

by Syeda Amna Adeel aged 12

Is it autumn already?
I’ve lost my teddy
The leaves turning yellow,
for dessert I’ll have jello.
Summer heats say goodbye,
winter breeze lies in the sky
Ice cream and drinks all gone,
and no leaves hanging on the trees in my lawn.


by Esme Plotnek aged 7

Teachers are nice
Teachers are kind
Teachers know what’s on your mind
Teachers can be strict
so always keep your lyrics on script


by Avni Patel aged 9

Homework, Homework, Homework
I always have to do Homework
Homework here, Homework there
The only thing that exists
Homework, Homework, Homework