
by Harshit Maurya aged 12

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Humans are in despair
And so are you
Everyone is greedy
As I said
So don’t live here
Just to be a maid
All are lying, oh dude
Even think of others’ good
Fame only belongs in name
Rest everything is same
Come to my house
It’s all for you
You won’t suffer
That’s my promise to you

Mood for Food

by Niyyanth Aroon aged 8

Pancakes are sweet
But so is a beet!
Lemons are sour
and very hard to devour
Waffles with cream
is the food of my dreams
Now tell me what you think
of foods that stink!
Wink Wink!
Don’t blink, just think.

Nadim the Mathematician

by Samaira Jain aged 10

It was a small fishing village nestled by the sea
People lived simple lives
Nothing complicated
Day by day as time passed
Their peace was disrupted by a giant swordfish
With evil and wide open eyes
The wicked swordfish would attack and kill everybody
Who dared to ventured too close to the water
As this time passed the supply of fishes
Dwindled and dwindled
Village leaders along with the Raja decided
To take over and kill the cruel enormous swordfish
They prepared and trained but on the day
They went to kill the swordfish
The swordfish was fully ready for the war to start
It started killing the soldiers one by one
And almost none of them were left
There was complete silence
But then appeared a little boy named Nadim
Nadim was clever minded
And had a great passion for numbers
He went to the soldier and told him the idea
The soldier went to the king
And asked for the approval
The king approved and they prepared the catapult
They took it to the shore and waited for the swordfish
To come to exact coordinates of the shore
Which were (5, 4)
They waited long and then it finally came
To the exact coordinate
They launched the catapult
The swordfish was demolished and killed
Nadim was taken to the royal palace
The king awarded him by a trophy and blessings
He gave him the trophy of the
‘Best Coordinate Master of Mathematician’
Nadim thanked the king
He became a contributor to the royal palace
Nadim was awarded many trophies by the royal palace

The Princess of Parallelograms

by Samaira Jain aged 10

Augusta Ada Byron
Another name of Ada Lovelace
Ada was an enthusiast for maths and computers
She was the one who created the first computer code
The first computer programmer
She was an associate of Charles Babbage
Not only success she had in her journey of life
But this journey of life had many difficult problems
Problems made this journey an adventure
Adding more and more twists to it
Looks interesting in hearing
But has much more to it and she has faced it
She also invented the first algorithm for a machine
She invented this in the 1800s
Ada didn’t win any awards in her lifetime
And her contributions were largely ignored
Till the 1950s
At that time Ada’s role in the
Birth of computer programming was finally recognized
In the year of 1843 Lovelace translated
A French paper that an Italian mathematician
Luigi Menabrea wrote about the Analytical Engine
Ada added a thousand of words
Of her own notes to the paper
She realised that the Analytical Engine
Would carry out an
Extensive sequence of mathematical operations
Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated annually
On the second Tuesday of October
This day is celebrated annually
To celebrate and raise awareness of the contributions
Of women to STEM fields
She was not only a contributor to Mathematics
But also the Founder of Scientific Computing
Born on 10 December 1815
And died at the age of 36
Ada Lovelace is buried inside the
Church of St. Mary Magdalene in the
Small English town of Hucknall
Her coffin was placed side by side
With that of her father,
Who also passed away at the age of 36
As said in the honour of Ada Lovelace Day
That the brain of yours is something more than merely mortal
As time will show


by Medhaswi Kundu aged 10

The sun glides like a swan into the dark, dark sky
Bathing the world with an ethereal light
Bringing back all the lost hopes and joys
Casting away the call of the night.

In a blaze of reds, pinks and blues
The sun is a crock of gold in the sky
Everyone gasps, everyone beams
Oh look at the sun, oh my!

A blinding ball of golden light
The taunting gleam of a far-off star
A reminder, that, to reach the skies
You really have to make it far.

A Gastronomic Achievement

by Modesire Oluwa Familugba aged 7

Last thanksgivin’-dinner we et at Granny’s house,
an’ she had ist like she alluz does most an’ best pies ever wuz.
Canned black burry -pie an’ goose burry, squshin’ – full o’ juice;
an’ rozburry – yes, an’ plum-yes, an’ churry -pie-um-yum!
Peach an’ pumpkin, too, you bet.
Lawzy! I kin tase ’em yet!
Yes, an’ custard-pie, an’ mince!
An’ – I – ain’t -et – no – pie- since!

Winter and Autumn

by Mia aged 9

When autumn starts the leaves will fall
When autumn ends the trees are empty
When winter starts it will be freezing cold
When winter finishes it might still snow!!!!!


by Medhaswi Kundu aged 10

The night is a spy
Stealing over the commons
Secretive and hushed.

To find out who he is
We must delve deep
As the curtain of shadows
Darkens the world.

He drives the stars into rebellion
Tries to subdue them
But fails: there are too many stars.

The night is a spy
He lives in the shadows
Carries out his business
When all are asleep
We do not know.


by Addison aged 8

Homework is boring… I feel like snoring.
Homework is boring… I would rather go shopping.
Homework, this homework
When will I get a BREAK?

I love homework yes I do.
I love homework how about you!


by Addie aged 8

Today is the day!
It’s my birthday!
Get dressed, do my hair, get ready to play.
With family and friends, sweets and cakes.
Hip Hip hooray!
We will celebrate!
Today Is the day when I turn eight.