
by Aradhana Khuntia and Medhaswi Kundu aged 11 and 11

He creeps up, unheard
A persistent threat
Waiting for the day to snatch you away

He lurks behind your shadow
Reading between the lines
Waiting for the day to snatch you away

As time ticks by
He can feel the end…

Let’s be honest:

Whispers of the Deep

by Seerat Narula aged 11

Deep under the ocean
Is a creature filled with emotions
Her name is Lunavire
She is filled with desires

She glows with a soft silver line under the moon
She comes out during monsoon
She is a gorgeous mermaid
With a rich navy shade

Lunavire is graceful & friendly
Indeed she is sweet as a candy
She lives in a magical cave
But remember a mermaid is not your slave


by Rose aged 10

Once upon a time there was a princess
who was called sleepy beauty
The end the next part is coming soon
Wait for the next part of the poem

The Adventure of the Little Cloud

by Ivan aged 10

There once was a little cloud,
As fluffy as a cotton shroud,
It sailed across the bright blue sky,
And waved at birds that fluttered by.

It danced on breezes, light and free,
It loved to play, so happily!
The little cloud would twirl and spin,
And make the rain come pouring in.

It sprinkled drops on flowers bright,
And made the rainbow colors light.
It played peek-a-boo with the sun,
And laughed with joy when day was done.

But when the moon began to rise,
It stretched and yawned with sleepy eyes.
It drifted softly, drifting low,
To rest until the morning glow.

So if you see a cloud so bright,
Waving hello in morning light,
Remember that it’s on a quest,
To bring the sky its very best!

Chasing The Last Light

by Seerat Narula aged 11

Every evening, every day
The sun sets with glorious rays
With soothing weather
It can make everything better

As the day comes close my heart takes a flight
A sight that awaits me is indeed a beautiful sight
It’s the sunset that catches my sight
It makes everything alright

With the rich shade of orange, pink and red
Painting the sky up so high
A perfect end to day’s embrace,
A sunset’s beauty, filled with infinite grace.

Dark Ones

by Veer Sorout aged 10

Before the rise of dawn
Frightening things crawl
If introduced to light they fall and curl up into a ball
They might live under your bed
Perhaps in some old closet
Maybe in one of your drawers
They survive in the creepiest of corners
In the darkest of alleys
In the shadow of the brightest lights
Skin as black as a void
Wings as big as a tall boy
A tail slithering like a snake
Eyes as yellow as the sun
Irises as straight as a stick
Horns as sharp as knives
Teeth as vicious as a tiger
Minds as wise as an owl
Capable of living millennia
Potent to travel the multiverse

Bye Bye Bye

by Sophia aged 8

Come over here you will see a
bye bye bye bye bye bye
lives over here
you will see a
bye bye bye bye bye bye
come over here
you will see a fresh person waiting for you
and he’s saying
bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
He’s fresh, he’s grand like a little poem stack
bye bye bye bye bye bye
Angel steps over here
come over here
you will see a fresh person waiting for you
and he’s grand like a little poem
Stacy bye bye bye bye
bye bye bye bye
bye bye bye bye
bye bye bye bye!!!!!

The Ink Poem

by Charlotte Wright aged 8

It’s a shady rainy day .
It’s the sea in the drowned Titanic.
It’s mossy ground with a cyan river.
It’s a sunny evening at the beach.
It’s Mill Hill with a lovely clear sky.

If I Was a Police Officer

by Shiloh aged 10

I would arrest you
you would be in prison
oh what a bore
It would be eating doughnuts all day
I would be hurt because the criminals would be MAD
Fighting crime for you guys all day long
To all the police officers
save our lives
then life would be harder than it is at home
At least I wouldn’t work in the military
Where there is war happening

The Four Seasons (Haiku)

by Lila Everest aged 11

Flowers start to bloom,
Bees buzzing, life is re-born,
Lime leaves cover trees.

Gently lapping waves,
Beaches sandy, sapphire skies,
Sleeping in the heat.

Dark nights and cold days,
Leaves of amber fluttering,
Falling to the ground.

Tinsel and sweet pine,
Snow falling, glistening frost,
Family round the tree.