I Adopted a Cat

by Hanna aged 12

I adopted a gorgeous milky-white cat
Who looked curiously around when she sat on her mat.
Then her eyes landed on a delicate vase.
Filled with courage the cat scanned the room like a maze.
Slowly she crawled around the loads of books
Finally the cat reached the end with proud looks
Cautiously, she tip-toed her way around the vase.
Mischievously she knocked the vase off shelf.
I grabbed her tight while I walked around the maze.
The cat rested on my arm thinking of herself.

The Cats and the Hen

by Aishah Aweda aged 8

There was a cat
And a very big hen
And they didn’t like each other
Or ever play together

One day, the hen changed its mind
And went to play with the cat.
The cat said, ‘No!’ and walked off, far away,
Nowhere to be seen.

The cat came back in rage,
She shouted, ‘You shall be thrown in a cage!’
But she changed her mind
And finally played with the cat


The Three Horses

by Dylan Duerson aged 9

Max, Mouse and Rosie are three little ponies.
They prance all day and like candy canes.
They run so fast, and can’t go to sleep,
because they want to run all day long.
They prance like they are dancing.
They can’t stop, because their legs have to move.
They sleep in the barn and play in the yard.
They eat a lot of hay so they act kind of crazy.
They are so sweet, they let me feed them.
They are so kind, that I almost got a ride.
They couldn’t go, without a kiss to blow goodbye.

The Colour Green

by Haneesh Hemachandrarao aged 8

Green is not always mean
Green is the colour of trees not bees
Green is in some food that’s good
Green is the colour of some wool and is sometimes cool
And I now it’s time to make it rhyme….
Green is sometimes bad which makes me sad
Green is in goo but doesn’t moo
Green is there at times but not the colour of American dimes
Green is the colour of a vine, green is really mine
Green is the best and it beats the rest…

The Morning Rush

by Ameerah aged 7

Into the bathroom
Turn on the tap
Wash away the sleepiness…

Hi, Ameerah. This is a poem by John Foster. You have to write your own poems
in the Poetry Zone. Why not have a go at writing your own version of getting up,
and send it to us.

Once Upon a Dream

by Tanaiya Patel aged 8

Once upon a time I was sleeping
and I heard a loud bang
I saw a alien appear from a long distance
His name was Jeffy
He was pretty nice
I also noticed that we were on the moon

What is a Haiku?

by Aradhana Khuntia aged 11

What am I doing?
I don’t know what haikus are!
Does it go like this?

First five syllables,
Then after that there’s seven,
Last there’s five again?

It is super long,
Super long and confusing
Way too confusing!

This doesn’t feel right!
It seems to be much too long!
What could have gone wrong?

Wait just one second,
I was right, it was too long!
It’s only three lines…

My Dog

by Elena aged 10

Dogs run around
Barking and leaping round and round
Loyal to everyone who knows their name
If you’re sad they also feel pain
My puppy, my lifelong buddy
I love him, even if he gets muddy
When I am sick he always mourns
I’ve known him ever since I was born

Be Grateful

by Shivansh Bhalla aged 11

We humans aren’t as strong as tigers
We can’t swim like dolphins
We don’t have wings
But what do we have?
We are blessed with arms
We are blessed with legs
We are blessed with eyes
We are blessed with a blood pumping heart
We have a perfect body
But look at others
They are blind
They are deaf
They can’t see their loved ones
They can’t hear their loved ones
But why are we making fun of them?
They are us
The same species
Be grateful for what you have


by Enaya aged 10

You soothe me
and calm me
You make me feel unique
When with you
I do not feel