Injury and misery are all part of victory,
But some day that victory could be history.
I bet it’s impossible to play,
and not get any sweat.
You know how they say teamwork makes the dreamwork,
But you’ve also got to outwork.
Think of a good moment,
Where you blew away your opponent.
Think of your special glory,
And tell me a success story.
Strict Parents
I’ve snuck TikTok, Snapchat
I’ve snuck it all
And that’s just so I have someone to call
To my parents snap is a crime
And if I download I’ll be doing some time
They don’t know right now
But they’ll soon find out
What this ‘being in my room’ is all about
I have no privacy
None at all
They want to know who I’m about to call
They go through my history
They search through it all
Sometimes I just wanna cry and bawl
Choosing Respect
Do you choose to be respectful?
Life would be so much better if you weren’t neglectful,
People, teachers friends not fundamental,
No one in life would be regretful.
Do you find it hard to do what’s right?
Ask Jesus to lead you to the light,
Day, night and afternoon,
Be respectful, it’s never too soon.
The Wild Haggis
The wild haggis is wild,
He’ll gain scare a child,
He sleeps in the forest,
His dad is called Morris,
And the weather is always mild.
Drops of water,
Nothing shatter,
Feeling the matter,
Being a smatter.
Flowers blooming with grass,
Hearing light skirts pass,
No sounds of mass,
Sun and Moon making a cast.
Winter’s snow on the ground,
Summer’s hot feel all around,
Hearing autumn’s leaves sound,
Spring’s flowers peacefully found.
Down the sun goes,
The wind blows,
Down the moon goes,
Stars go low.
Silence in every step,
Seeming like it never left.
Reality of Fears
You are not scared of the ocean, but you are scared of what is inside it
You are not scared of spiders but you are scared of what they will do
You are not scared of dark but you are scared of what is not visible
You aren’t scared of death you are scared of how it will happen
You are not scared of blood but you are scared of how it is will come
You are not scared of your hurt you are scared of how that happened
You are not scared of scary things but you are scared of how they look
You are not scared of failure but you are scared of what people will assume
You are not scared of embarrassment but you are scared who would embarrass you
You are not scared of quietness but you are scared of how long it is quiet
You are not scared of how you look but you are scared of how people think you look
You are not scared of monsters but you are scared if they are real
You are not scared of performance but you are scared of what will happen there
Ink Patterns
It’s a shady rainy day,
It’s the sea in the drowned Titanic,
It’s mossy ground with a cyan river,
It’s a sunny evening at the beach,
It’s Mill Hill with a lovely clear sky.