The Snow of Winter

by Olivia aged 10

The white blanket has covered the forest floor,
It wasn’t quiet… it started to roar.
Though it’s spreading all around,
I heard a little tweeting sound.

The robins have come out of their tree
Just to come and sing to me.
I like it right here in my house, all warm!
Not outside, in the winter storm.

Love Song to a Birch

by Marian Moldaschl aged 11


If I were to take
preserved moonlight,
unfolded like origami,
it could not compare to your bark.

If I were to take
the purest emeralds,
and chip them with the finest silver,
still they would not compare with your leaves.

If I were to take
the strongest dam,
and use it to block the flood,
it wouldn’t come close to your roots.

With your patchwork moonlight coat
glinting in the sun,
and your leaves that give the air we breathe,
your magic is second to none.

Feline Christmassy

by Tabitha Hodsoll-Kutereba aged 10


The thick-pelted feline
Slick ebony and pearl
Wakes up to a rising sun.

Stretching into the new day
She pads over to the cat flap
Sneaking, slipping through
Quietly as a mouse.

She glides through a hedge
Adorned with Christmas lights
Reflections in her luminous amber eyes

Slithering back once more
She leaps on to the counter gracefully
And proceeds to scoff down your Christmas Dinner.

Magical Hansi

by Asger Moldaschl aged 7


Hansi, he strokes he nuzzles
What a beautiful sight
Oh, Hansi the dog
He fetches and races
Along the garden. He
Goes and snatches treats
Off your hand. Oh Hansi
The magical dog
Hey, that doggy can
Fetch tennis balls and
Can snatch your
Treats and go!

Little Robin

by Archie Pugh aged 6


Little robin wondering what the world outside is
Little robin looking at the big shapes the other birds make
Little robin watching the sea make huge waves that crash down making a flood of water
Little robin looking at the trees that shiver
Little robin feeling warm while his red jacket flutters

The Zoo

by Medhaswi Kundu aged 8


When I went to the zoo on a winter’s dawn
I saw a koala, a tiger and a fawn.
One snored, the other roared and bared its teeth,
But the fawn didn’t think that was any great feat.

The long-necked giraffes smiled at me,
While munching leaves at the top of a tree.
They were so dignified, so slow,
That I wanted to shout, “Go, go, go!”

The white handed gibbons went as fast as they could,
They wouldn’t stop playing, they never would.
The gibbons were playing so hard they didn’t see me,
I said, “It’s like the traffic lights are always on green.”

The elephants lifted their great trunks with a grunt,
But one just hid there and didn’t join in the fun.
The lion snapped their giant, piercing teeth,
They were hungry, were we something to eat?

We fed the goats with lush, green leaves,
Some pushed the others, to get the yummy feed!
The polar bear swam with all its might,
Playing with a big red ball, as if it would never have a night!

The time was so enjoyable, so pleasing,
I would always love animals, never ceasing!
I want to go again to the world’s oldest zoo,
And replay my experience that I did do!

A Stupendous Discovery!

by Shifa Asif aged 13


What an AMAZING discovery it is,

It shows me the world,

It told me stuff I did not know,

It showed me something which I could not see for a mile,

It helped me research and know many things,

It also helps me know the time,

I can fit in in my hand,

Maybe even in a bag!

It is a HUGE Discovery,

Sometimes it can be bad,

Sometimes it can make us mad,

But try to use this spectacular discovery postivitely,

And use it according to your relativity,


Don’t make it leave you alone!,

And you know what?!


(Small message: A phone is something very useful if you try to use it properly without mis-using it. It can show you something which is happening in another country. It really is an amazing discovery! But please don’t use it inappropriately because it can harm you)!

The 52-hertz Whale – The World’s Loneliest Whale

by Iona Mandal aged 16


Have you ever whispered into the sea
of empty white noise and its cushioned cries?
Wishing that the pale grey echo would be
in close earshot of even a stray fly?
Whilst your open heart and its plaintive cry
traverses sunken ravines, caves afar,
your call is unheard, witnessed just by stars.

At 52-hertz haunts heartache through you,
52 long weeks of mourning a year,
hermit of the seas, from one home to few –
the distance you sweep, remaining unclear.
Your yelps create ripples of swathing fear,
indistinct lacuna trapped in your wail,
a cold, hollow torment with no avail.

So man, being man, sends down sonar waves,
into the inky Pacific abyss,
trying hard to save nature from the grave,
not an accessory we reminisce.
The once unheard, now will not be dismissed,
hoping efforts retrieve the forlorn soul,
alone to venture the seas and patrol.

As and when the same feeble sonar waves,
and lightyears consume stewardship and love,
man, glances above, away from the cave,
and witnesses the sprawling rifts above.
a land of lit screens and no touch thereof,
curled thumbs on keyboards, in pixels immersed.
And he knows not which rift he must close first.


(Told in Rime Royale)


by Shifa aged 13


What an AMAZING invention!
Without it, everything was tension,
What an amazing glow,
Helps us see,
And know where to go,
Absolute perfection!
Shows us the depth of this world,
Easy was nothing to see once,
The night sky makes everything black,
But Edison created luminosity,
Made 100% economically,
Now its your chance to use it properly!

(Edinous, edinousity is a mixture of the words Edison and Luminous/Luminosity)

The Dinosaur Stomp

by Harvey Holloway aged 4


Hear the dinosaur stomp
It goes roar – the crushing dinosaur
The digger and cement mixer
are going along.
What’s that sound?
The dinosaur is making the dinosaur stomp
Louder than loud! goes the dinosaur stomp
The digger and cement mixer
are going along – to the dinosaur stomp.
The dinosaur needs a dinosaur drink
He wants to drink some lava.
The next thing is the dinosaur stomp
– where the volcano is!
Ra! Roar! Bang!
Ra! Roar! Bang!