Love for the Sun

by Bella aged 12

Sky lighter
Earth heater
Night sleeper
Power giver
Sea shiner
Snow melter
Light creator
Flame thrower
Bright blazer
Color changer

Jumping Jam

by Jarvis Seymour-Jones aged 15

Jarvis was jumping
with his jumping jam
He then saw a cam
and said then, “Oh damn”

After a while
he saw a big pile
so he jumped up upon it
and set out this sonnet


by Olive aged 12

Turtles are the best
Turtles are all we need


by James aged 12

My name’s Topher
and I think Olivia,
My name’s Topher and,
My name’s Topher and,
Y’all already know who I am
For Life


by Sheeran aged 9

I wake up in hesitation but I wake up to smell fresh lemon,
I see the grass – I picture a meadow.
What I picture comes to life only if I say.

I blink- in shock, I blink.
Oh I dreamed!
Everybody says I have to dream
But should I dream or make my so called dreams be fulfilled?

My achievements are mine
But I feel that adrenaline melt away.
My makings are mine – but people send them away.

I ask my friends “How was your day” but I know they are fake friends
because real friends tell me anyway.

The point I’m trying to make is probably confusing so I’ll say,
Don’t change
If you change
Be bold
Be brave
Be strong
Be wise
But don’t throw you life away.

Life is amazing – YES! Think that way

Now the question(s) are
Will you change?

Voices Inside my Head

by Sheeran aged 9

I wake up
I wake up in hesitation

I can’t bother to open my eyes because
I can only hear my dreams that I would of had
I only dream, dream big- yeah that’s what they told me
But my dreams are so high they could outrun the sky

Even though a rocket shoots high my creativity flies

The best achievements I’ve made are minute and practice can do better:
Winning a poetry award the day I couldn’t even spell “leather”
My posters being hung up now I realise my mistakes I try again-
I love to raise the stakes.

Life is not getting better
I know, if I could underline I would underline this whole paragraph!

My friends come along so I ask how’s your day
But I only have fake friends because real friends would tell me anyway.
I wonder, what will I make today then night comes and ideas fade away.

Which idea faded away?

I wake up
I wake up in hesitation


by Nikola aged 12

Pens come in different colours, shapes and sizes,
They are unique in their own way.
Some never take a break and they write, write, write.
Some are neglected by their owners so they fight, fight, fight.

Too much pressure on a pen makes it stop one day,
Everyone knows that but they never have a spare
A spare to replace the one that passed away.

The ink in a pen flows into the paper:
It ends up making a story.
Each pen has its own story
But are stories ever perfect?

Christmas Spirit

by Elexia aged 11

Santa Claus climbs down the chimney
The children sleep with joy
Santa Claus is climbing down in North-East Sydney
The children wake up in the morning to see their new toy!

Life is Good

by Emily aged 8

Life is good no matter what
Though challenges come our way
We face them with love and courage
Waiting for the new day

Through the storms and rain
We learn to dance in the sun
For every trial we face
Will only make us strong

Life is good no matter what
For every moment is a gift
A chance to live and love
To find true happiness

So let us cherish each day
And live it to the fullest
Life is good no matter what
And let us make the most of it.

Players of Football

by Meyhar Singh Roopra aged 7

One day, we will play as a team
And will play as 4-3-2-1 Or 5-3-2 and 4-3-3
Football is the sport, that we all love
Teams always play even if it’s day after day, night after night
I’m right!
People love the sport as it was thought
You can find players anywhere
You can get signatures from players of the magnificent sport
“Players of football!”