Everything Changed !

by Aditi Jain aged 13

Its been 1 year 3 months 1 week & 10 mins
Since we last talked properly
Oh yes ! I do remember
Each and everything
The fun, the laughs, the memories
The time spent with you! Priceless
I wish those good days could return
Remember how we met
I was a new admission in prep
Lonely and alone with no friends
When teacher asked for my friends
You raised your hand so high
That I wished our friendship
Would also be so high.
Remember how we used to share tiffins?
And then in middle school how we
Shared our secrets.
Every day of this 9 year journey
Made me learn something .
I learnt to be me, to be what I want
To act as I want
Thanks to you, my dear friend
For making me who I am
Words can hardly describe
Our memories, our stupid laughs
Our inside jokes
But unfortunately the never-ending list
Has come to an end
The end from where
We will start a new beginning .
You taught me so much
And forgot to teach me how to love myself
Coz I loved you and needed no one else to love
Teach me please

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